This is Mike. I have taken the name FurryNinja on here because, I am furry and ninjas are the shit. Thus, the name begat itself. Introductions aside, here is a quick simple recipe for a few types of vegan sushi.
To the right, er left you will see a plate of recently made goodness. I have two sauces, one regular soy, and the other a slightly modified version that I just threw together. You can also see 3 types of rolls on there.
Baked Tofu goodness roll (6 pieces, top 2 rows first 3)
- Tofu marinated in veggie broth for ~2 days, then baked 20 mins prior to roll
- Green onions cut into matchsticks
- Avocado cut into matchsticks
Basic Cucumber Avocado roll (6 pieces, bottom 2 rows first 3)
- Cucumber cut into matchsticks
- Avocado cut into matchsticks
- Toasted sesame seeds
Green Onion Spread roll (far left column)
- Cucumber cut into matchsticks
- Avocado cut into matchsticks
- 1/8 cup Green onion spread
To anyone who has ever rolled sushi, it's fairly easy. If not, here are some basics for these rolls. Prepare your rice of choice and have it cooled before making sushi. You need to get a large sheet of nori to spread the rice on. You should put a thin layer of rice across the sheet of nori but leave a small line about 1/2 inch wide across the end of one sheet after the rice has been applied. On the end where rice is to the edge, put the ingrediants on the edge and start rolling it inward across. You should have a mixture of Rice Wine Vingar and water on the side to spread across the free end of the nori to seal the roll. When finished just let sit for about 10 minutes and then cut into pieces 1/2 inch thick. The only exception is for the Green Onion spread rolls. You should distribute the spread over the entire roll prior to adding the other veggies and rolling. The spread is easy to make and the recipe follows.
Green Onion spread
- 1/8 cup plain Tofutti cream cheese
- 1 diced green onion
- 2 tbsp Turmeric
- ground peppercorn to taste
Just mix for about 3 minutes by spoon and should be ready.
Okay, signing out. peace.